My Books

My ode both to the Russian Revolution and to radical old New York City, an American story through Russian eyes.  Click here for my interview on it from Bookman's Corner

New York Times Notable Book for 2005.  Click here for the review by Pete Hamill in the New York Times Book Review.

Featured on C-SPAN Booknotes with Brian Lamb (click here to watch),  NPR’s All Things Considered (click here to listen), and programs at the Smithsonian Institution, National Archives, and the Library of Congress.       


Featured on C-SPAN AfterWords (click here to listen) and programs at the LA Times Book Fair and New York Historical Society.  See my piece on it in the Los Angeles Times.

My 1988 portrait of Wall Street excess based on the classic 1869 scandal, featured in BarronsFinancial Times, Intermarket, Washington Legal Times, Columbia Business Law Review, Chicago Tribune, and Fortune Book Club.


My family history, the story of my Mom and how she came to New York City from Eastern Europe in 1926, told in her own words (with a few explanatory notes from me) on an old cassette tape that my nephew Jim found in an old file. Hope you like it. 
My Federal Regulatory Flowchart Poster, published by, shows the spaghetti-like complexity of the process by which US government agencies make real-world decisions, highlighting where each player's role in the process.  Ideal of training and classrooms.